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Марафон окончен

Herbs. Vitality Kitchen Fun & Upgrades

11 сент. 2021 г. - 11 сент. 2021 г.

  • 1 день
  • 4 задания

О марафоне

FREE online meet up: Permaculture without Borders by TPC Virtual Meet Up Series: Botanicals for health and profit Part 1: Yoke, Om, Olga Saturday, September 11, 10 am Duration: 90 minutes (45min presentations (3 talks x 15min) & 45min discussion) Languages: English and Thai Online Event Link: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 918 347 3368 The COVID-19 crisis has led to a surge in interest in plants and herbs that can boost health. This webinar explores the wonderful world of herbs and shares some innovative business possibilities in 3 talks: Olga Vita is a health coach who has been studying and practicing naturopathy in Europe, Asia and North America for the last 20 years. She will talk about “CULINARY BOTANICALS. How to have fun with herbs in your kitchen and upgrade any familiar dish to immune superfood”. PDF Resources you can request at Olga’s good friend Sivaporn Bess Lamjitkusol, aka Auntie Bess, a regenerative farmer, will help to communicate the ideas in Thai -Yoke and Michael Commons have been developing a biodiverse “Wanakaset” forest garden, applying traditional knowledge using herbs and plants to make products for health and daily needs, like mosquito repellent, cough medicine, soaps and shampoos. This has become a viable eco-social enterprise “You Sabai Garden.” They will talk about BOTANICALS FOR SELF-RELIANCE. -Om Sunisa Jamwiset Deiters, the co-founder of Gaia Ashram will talk about herb extracting

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Vitality Project🌿

Открытый марафон12 участников


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