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Permaculture Day Virtual Coffee

ср, 05 мая


Permaculture Virtual Coffee ☕

HAPPY PERMACULTURE DAY! Every first Sunday of May we celebrate principles of interconnectedness, of working "with", not "against" and the ethics of caring! Join our informal intro to Permaculture and a friendly meet up for Virtual Coffee this Wednesday 5 May at 14:00 Thai time

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Permaculture Day Virtual Coffee
Permaculture Day Virtual Coffee

Время и место

05 мая 2021 г., 14:00 – 16:00 GMT+7

Permaculture Virtual Coffee ☕


О событии

Permaculture Day Virtual Coffee/ Happy Hour Event

On 5th May, 2021- Permaculture Day

Due to the current COVID restrictions we just want to start with a smaller online event to reconnect, share a bit, and look at what we can do together.

Topic: TPC7 Coffee Time: May 5, 2021 02:00 PM Bangkok Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 896 3604 4447 Passcode: 735677

We plan to host an event using Zoom (Neil will help with hosting) to start 2 pm on Wednesday 5th of May.

We plan the schedule as follows

Facilitator – Olga

Neil- 15 mins - Brief introduction about Permaculture- and what it may offer in connection with our larger self-reliance and self-sufficiency movements in Thailand- as we will also welcome those who are not so familiar with Permaculture and our TPC group

20 mins- Short introductions of those joining- if the group in not over 20 persons- we want to allow up to one minute for each person joining to give name, where you are, if you have some connection with Permaculture of other self-reliance movements/ organization you can say.

Example- “My name is Michael Commons, I live in Phanom Sarakham, Chachoengsao, I practice Wanakaset integrating Permaculture design and farmer wisdom with my wife and family.”

If we have more than 20 we will encourage the same, but people can write in the Chat.

1 min- - Virtual Toast- After introductions- for those who wish to we can all toast together and drink the beverage of our choice. Perhaps a kombucha home brew, an herbal infusion, a fresh wild honey lemonade, or whatever helps bring you the spirit of community and the Permaculture ethos.

40 mins- Optional sharing by participants- Maximum of 10 minutes per person. If you are interested please let us know. We would like if you can choose 3 photos or slides to share so we can see a bit as well.

And share a bit about any of the following.

  1. Interesting learnings, new applications you (or your community)      have done with Permaculture (and related)
  2. Challenges you and your communities are facing now that you      feel we should consider / address using Permaculture (and related)
  3. Vision for what you feel our movement can or needs to do for      the future.

For those who have joined a convergence before, this is like a chance to reconnect after some years, and share a small amount about something new and positive we have learned or done (thus others may know of this) Or about new challenges and problems that we may need to resolve (thus others may share if they have similar challenges and have found or are working on solutions). Or feelings where we need to go collectively- considering the larger situation and what issues and changes have happened and are happening.

*Note- if there are many who want to share, we may add a bit more time, but also plan for a second session at another time. We hope to keep within 10 mins per person, to allow more to share and just get a small picture. We can also choose to organize deeper sessions on topics we find quite interesting.

15 – 20 mins- What would we like to do next? (Future sessions, a virtual convergence, an in person convergence, ???) and Who wants to be part of making this happen? Hopefully we will come up with an least one thing many of us are interested to do in the future (future session) and we have enough people who want this enough to contribute to make it happen. (a team to plan and prepare).

We plan for 90 mins in all but we are fine to go up to 2 hrs (4 pm) if there is still interest and participation, but we will officially close the session by 4 pm.

*** Language Interpretation-

We would like to offer interpretation from English to Thai and Thai to English. This can be done fairly easily with Zoom, However we will need people who are interested to help in this way.

Please let us know if you would like to help to supporting with interpretation from English to Thai or Thai to English.


Please let us know if you would be happy to share a bit in the Sharing session of this event. Then we can allot space and plan well.


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